Recently, the United States was shaken to its core by a large
white nationalist/supremacist and Neo-Nazi rally in the sleepy little college
town of Charlottesville, Virginia. Violence broke out at the rally and a young
woman named Heather Heyer lost her life in the subsequent car attack.
This "Unite the Right" Rally, was organized as a protest
against the proposed removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
Many protestors carried the infamous battle flag of Lee's Army of Northern
Virginia, often referred to as the Stars and Bars.
In recent years, the United States has wrestled with the question
of when, if ever, the display of this flag is appropriate. Some argue it is a
vital piece of Southern pride and heritage, a symbol of the resolve of the
people. Others decry it as an inherently white supremacist flag, citing its use
by groups like the Ku Klux Klan. Indeed, that flag is often compared to the
red, white and black swastika flag once used by Nazi Germany.
Personal display of the Stars and Bars is not illegal, and strong
arguments exist that even with the extremely negative connotations of the Stars
and Bars, it should remain available to use on a personal basis. Groups such as
the American Civil Liberties Union have defended the rights of white
nationalists and Neo-Nazis to march with that flag as hate speech is still
considered constitutionally protected free speech and assembly.
The flag is still flown at many Confederate memorials, and this
has also been a point of controversy. The memorials are considered inherently
traitorous as the Confederacy did try to break away from the United States, as
well as an enabling symbol of the racism which has tarnished much of American
Some do not want these memorials gone as they fear it will make
the history behind them fade away. Some believe these memorials should be razed
entirely because of their white supremacist connotations. Indeed, many of the
monuments were erected during the Civil Rights Movement and dedicated by the Ku
Klux Klan, an unmistakable symbol of white supremacists.
Others believe the memorials can exist, but should only appear in
museums and at the Civil War battlefields where they became stained with blood.
Even then, there exist gray areas. On Georges Island in Boston
Harbor, deep into what was once Union territory, there exists a large headstone
which memorializes thirteen Confederate soldiers who died as prisoners of war
on the island. The headstone was put there by the Daughters of the Confederacy
in 1963, as both the Civil Rights Movement and Civil War centennial were in
progress. The memorial is currently boarded up and some are calling for its
removal, but it does not really glorify the Confederate cause in the same way a
triumphant statue of General Lee or Jackson may. It is little more than a
headstone not unlike what you'd see in a civilian cemetery.
Symbolism is powerful, and the Stars and Bars has counterparts in
other parts of the world. For centuries the swastika was a symbol of luck and
good fortune in parts of Asia, but it is synonymous with one of the purest forms
of evil in Europe and the Americas. Japan’s Rising Sun flag is still considered
a patriotic symbol in Japan. It is still officially used by the Japanese Navy and
its symbolism appears in Japanese day-to-day life on Asahi Gold beer cans and
the daily newspaper Asahi Shimbun (“The Morning Sun”), despite the atrocities
committed by Imperial Japan in China, South Korea, and the United States.
And then there’s the famous, universally recognized symbol of communism,
the interlocking Hammer and Sickle. Mention Russia and despite it being over 25
years since the fall of the Soviet Union, don’t be surprised when that symbol
is mentioned a few minutes later. It’s near unavoidable, for better or for
For seventy years, that unmistakable crimson banner was the symbol
of my country of origin. Had I been born less than two years earlier, I would
have been born in the USSR, not Russia. Indeed, my original passport does not
say Russian Federation.
It says Союз Советских Социалистических Республик. Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics.
The Stars and Bars has been convincingly argued to be a symbol of
racism and white supremacy, whether intended or not. Obviously not everyone who
flies that flag is a racist, but many, many racists fly that flag. It was
clearly displayed by many during the infamous tiki torch march in
Charlottesville. It is the same with the old orange-white-blue South African
flag and the green and white flag of Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe.
The Sickle and Hammer is a symbol of communism. Communism is not
an inherently prejudiced ideology, but under its red banner, over 100 million
people in China, the Soviet Union, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Eastern
Europe were unjustly imprisoned, sentenced to cruel and unusual punishment,
outright executed, or even victim to genocide in Cambodia and Ukraine.
The dynamic is a bit different than that of the Stars and Bars.
The Confederacy attempted to break free of the United States. It failed. The
Reds, however, succeeded in overthrowing the provisional government of
Aleksandr Kerensky and won the Russian Civil War and with it control over all
of what was the Soviet Union. When they won, the sickle and hammer flag ceased
to be simply a symbol of a political ideology, but a country.
That symbol went on to be included in snapshots of great
historical achievement. When Nazi Germany was defeated, Red Army soldiers flew
the Sickle and Hammer over Berlin. Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova, the
first man and woman to break free of Earth and visit the cosmos did so with "CCCP"
proudly displayed on their helmets.
Therefore, it could be argued that there exists a limited space in
which one could celebrate achievements of the Soviet peoples with that flag and
symbol displayed.
It also comes down to timing. A Russian or a person with Russian
heritage with pride in the achievements of his or her people may choose to display
with restraint such symbolism on certain holidays such as on Victory Day or
Cosmonauts’ Day, but in all other cases opt to display the white-blue-red flag
used today.
It would also, without a doubt, be considered especially inappropriate
in the presence of certain people and groups. Just as displaying the Stars and Bars to a
black person or the Nazi swastika to a Jewish person would be unthinkably
disrespectful, displaying the Soviet banner would be gravely disrespectful to display
in the presence of citizens of the countries that were once unwilling satellites of the
USSR. In the United States, many have responded to the display of the Stars and
Bars with the slogan, “Stop pretending your racism is patriotism”. That slogan
could be altered in the case of the Soviet banner as well, although perhaps not
in a direct condemnation of racism. While communism was oftentimes mixed with
ethnic and racial prejudices, the ideology, at least on paper, portrays itself
as a force against such prejudice.
In Russia, most of the statues and symbols of communism were not
destroyed. Some still stand in their original places, but many have been moved
to museums to offer historical context and a space for debate. It is possible
that a similar approach to Confederate symbols may be required. To erect a
statue of a Confederate soldier in heroic likeness in a city square will almost
certainly be considered inappropriate. To erect a statue of a Confederate
General from the vantage point where he directed his troops on a Civil War
battlefield or at a museum near that battlefield, while not completely without
controversy, could be used in a more historical and informative perspective. Even
Robert E. Lee, the most famous of Confederate generals, believed statues of his
or his brothers in arms’ likenesses would keep old wounds open.